A year or so ago, I asked on one of the lists about LinuxCad, and at
that time received a reply from someone who was really torqued about
it.  He said that you had to buy all kinds of add-ons, and that it
was really buggy.  He was so p.o.'d he offered to send me his copy!
Now I know that there is a new version, so what I'd like to know
is if anyone out there has bought and used it.  (I don't really
care about Visio, but I would very much like an AutoCad clone.) If
you or anyone reading --especially anyone with AutoCad experience--
has used the latest version, I would appreciate your opinions.
Thanx.  --doug

At 06:55 AM 11/16/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>LinuxCAD claims to be a Visio replacement. I've asked them about file
>compatibility, etc. and they claim to be a "full featured" replacement.
>I don't know if that's for Visio 2000 or Visio 5.0. Frankly, I've never
>tried it out just because that's low on my priority list. The third
>party ER tools we use with Visio are much too Visio specific to work
>correctly in Linux. :-(
> >So is there a Visio-like tool for Linux or not? I'd like to know, too.

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