Dave wrote:
It took me three days of trying to finally get the download to complete
and install properly, and this was with a T-1 connection from my office!
My advice: wait until the next point-release (6.01 or whatever), because
the 6.0 version is a resource hog and is still pretty much beta-release
code anyway. I am using it for testing, but Communicator 4.76 is still
my primary browser and mail client.


Dennis Myers wrote:

Has anyone else had a problem d/l the Netscape6 browser? I get part way through,

a download and the netscape server seems to die. I still have a internet connection

but get 0 from the d/l server. I didn't hear of any time limits on the connection

but I am trying to get it with a 56k modem. I have seen the 6 at work and it does

look like Mozilla. Maybe I should just wait for Mozilla to get to alpha and

let Netscape keep trying to get back their windows share. Any one with thoughts

or suggestions? Dennis M.

Dennis M. a registered Linux user #180842

"...[W]e preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews
and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God."
(1 Cor 1:23-24)

Ok, being the stubborn sort that I am, I tried one more time. Guess what? it worked and I am using Netscape 6 for this reply. It activated and used my settings with no problem. I'm not sure how I like it just yet. The jury is still out. All it took was about 6 tries. I guess they want to make sure you are serious about downloading the new browser. 
Dennis M. a registered Linux user #180842

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