On Saturday 18 November 2000 05:06 pm, Krulo wrote:
> the system stops at the the partition part. when I choose the option
> "use the free space in the windows part" he detects one more thing
> and then asks me if I ran the scanreg in windows and if i didn't
> tells me to run it and when I'm sure to press "ok" but the buttons
> dont work and the system is stoped and I have to reset. what can I
> do?? (yes, I already ran the scandisk in win...)

   What windoze version ??   what Mandrake version are you tryin to 
install ??  scanreg, and scandisk are 2 entirely different apps.

     I can only recommend that if it's w95 thru w98, scanreg run from 
Windoze after the GUI is started is ineffectual for solving most all
registry problems.  A better way to use scanreg is to edit 
'C:\msdos.sys', the line 'BootGUI=1' to read '=0' (BootGUI=0). Now the 
system will boot to a DOS 7.x prompt, Windoze overhead will not be 
present, just plain ol' DOS..  You'll need to type 'win' to start 
Windoze GUI after this change. (but don't)
     From this pure DOS prompt (C:\), type 'scanreg /fix' followed by 
'scanreg /opt'.  Due to the nature of uncle billy's DOS OS, it's 
adviseable to reboot and 'scanreg /fix, and /opt' a few times in 
succession, and to make it a matter of practice every time you boot 
Winblows along with regular scandisk's.  To do those: Type 'scandisk', 
and you'll be able to set options.  Set it to fix and delete everything 
that winblows usually breaks, and then run it.  Normally, Winblows 
maintainence, should be, scandisk | scanreg /fix | scanreg /opt, in 
that order.
     IMO, A better way to run linux is to put it on a cheap ol' second 
hand drive by itself so that it isn't subjected to uncle billy's 
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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