I am not sure on this but kernel 2.2.17 does not recognize ATA 100 
controllers.  You'll have to use a 2.4 kernel to get support for that.

On Monday 20 November 2000 08:49, you wrote:
> Okay, I spent yesterday jumping through hoops, and finally got things
> to fit together so that they work not too badly.
> M/B:  ASUS A7V/KT133
> Issue:  Linux Mandrake Doesn't Undertand the Promise ATA/100 on the
> M/B
> Here's the procedure I used:
> ***** NOTE:  This procedure ASSUMES that you attach the disk to the
> primary UATA/100 device
> 1)  Disconnect the UATA/100 Win2K disk
> 2)  Attach the new disk to the IDE controller
>        {NOT the UATA 100 controller - there are 2 sets of disk
> controller ports on the M/B)
> 3)  Drop the Mandrake 7.2 CD into the CD/R drive.
> 4)  Boot the system from CD
> 5)  Do a bare bones install of Mandrake {don't even bother with X)
> 6)  After the install is done, log in as root
> 7)  Execute the following command:  % cat /proc/pci
> 8)  Somewhere in there, you will get a piece of output that has 5 hex
> addresses listed.  These should be the I/O range for the UATA/100
> controller. In my case the first two were 0x9000 and 0x8800.
> 9)  Record those numbers.
> 10) Shut down
> 11) Disconnect the drive from the IDE controller and hook it to the
> UATA controller.
> 12) Reconfigure the BIOS to boot from CD first rather than HDD.
> 13) Boot the box up - when the first Mandrake screen comes up, press
> 'F1' to get into the alternate boot screen.
> 14) At the command prompt provided, type in 'linux
> ide2=0xyyyyy,0xzzzzz' computing y and z as: high start address from
> step 8, and z as the second start address + 2.  On my box this turned
> out to be ide2=0x9000,0x8802. 15)  At this point, everything should
> be happy, and you can go ahead with a full install.
> 16)  When you get to configuring GRUB, use the same numbers you used
> in step 14.
> I haven't yet tried patching the kernel - that's next.  But this was
> enough to get moving forward.
> Glenn
> skidley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17 Nov 2000, G Shaw wrote:
> > I am attempting to install LM 7.2 on a "clean" system {e.g. raw,
> unformatted
> > disk} and seem to be encountering a nasty little problem related to
> > the Promise Ultra ATA 100 controller on my system.
> >
> > System:
> >
> > M/B:  ASUS A7V KT133 w/Promise UATA 100 controller
> > CPU:  900 Mhz Athlon
> > Memory: 256Mb
> >
> > Disk  20Gb Quantum (I think?)
> >
> > I know when I installed Win2K on a separate disk, I had to provide
> > W2K with
> a
> > disk containing new drivers to that the W2K install could talk to
> > the
> Promise
> > Ultra ATA 100 controller.
> >
> > Having searched through newsgroups and the Mandrake site, I have
> > found
> several
> > other people claiming to have made this work, but no-one has ever
> > clearly documented the procedure they used.
> >
> > If you have actually succeeded in installing LM 7.2 on an ASUS A7V
> > using
> the
> > Ultra ATA 100 disk controller, could you please let me know what
> > the
> procedure
> > was you used?
> >
> > Thx,
> >
> > Glenn
> >
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> I haven't installed one but I am getting one and I have researched it
> a bit and there is a way to do it although I've been told that 7.2
> has the kernel patch for the card. Here's a URL for the HowTo which
> describes a little trick you may need to
> do: http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/mini/Ultra-DMA-5.html#ss5.2 You can
> get the latest ide patch(if ya even need it) at
> ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/hedrick .
>  --
> Chad Y.
> Registered Linux User #195191
> Registered Linux Box #86749
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> http://home.netscape.com/webmail

Eddie Torress

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