Question: what if you got the Staroffice5.2 rpm off of the
 App CD from the  nasty walmart version of mandrake 7.2?
I have installed mandrake 7.2 from downloaded ISOs, after
finding out how "incomplete" the "complete" version was, and
then, I wanted the Staroffice5.2 and knew it was on the App CD,
so I did kpackage as "root" and found it on the walmart App CD
and installed it. Will it be ok? or will I have to reinstall it
with the /net command or such?
Let me know cause I already installed it with kpackage.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Anthony 
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 12:42 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] StarOffice as user

When you install Star Office, you need to append the setup command with /net. 
So type this "./setup /net"

Then once you install it to /usr/local/whatever, as a user type "./setup" and 
it'll install about 4 MB of files in your /home directory. Then you can use 
Star Office as a user. 

If you need clearer/better info, read the instruction manuel you can download 
off of Sun's site. It's in the "Network Installation" section.

> Hey, was wondering if anyone could help me with starting StarOffice as a
> user rather than root.

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