On Friday 24 November 2000 09:39, you wrote:
> Hallo!
> I've started Linux this morning with no problems, used it and shut it
> down... this afternoon i've turned on the computer and get a graphical
> screen asking me for my user name, password and window manager... but...
> the user icons weren't there, and the screen was a bit different.  I've
> keyed in the user name and pwd and pressed ok.
> I've got then a graphical screen with no icons and a terminal window
> opened.  The menues of the menu bar were different.
Is it possible you're starting on a different virtual desktop from the 
orginial one?  If you were on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th and your "save settings" 
box was checked at logout I think there is a possibility that could have 

remember, I've been wrong before.


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