On Wednesday 15 November 2000 12:36 pm, William Dorsey wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can get KDevelop working in Mandrake 7.2?  I
> used KDevelop frequently in Mandrake 7.1 (I am a computer science
> student), but I can't seem to get it working in 7.2.  Does anyone
> have any idea how to get it working?  I would appreciate the help!


    It was just added yesterday.  _STRONG CAUTION_:  these are a 
collection by Chris Molnar to upgrade KDE2 for testing.  They will 
trash your menus and the system will be very buggy till you restart X 
and run 'update-menus' as root in a terminal.  I had to re-boot to get 
rid of the bugginess. I also had to run Menudrake as both root and user 
to fully restore my menus.

     You need to install all the rpm's and if you're like me an a few 
others, you'll get 1 or 2 unresolved dependencies. I only got one for 
kdegames, so I skipped that package. They also need to be installed by 
putting them all in one dir and doing 'rpm -Uvh *.rpm' to avoid 
circular errors.  More important to your question, both Kdevelop-setup 
and Kdevelop seg11 as soon as I click on 'em in the menu to start. 
Seems to be the only thing that's broken tho. YMMV. I suggest you wait 
for some further upgrades to this KDE2 upgrade, but Kdevelop is commin 
back ;)     kdevelop-2.0-4mdk 
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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