if you are both connected to the internet and not via a local lan then 
netbios won't help you here (unless you go for some strange vpn stuff), you 
could set up some ftp space you both have access to (some isps provide web 
space etc that you can only access by dialing directly in so check this) if 
the files are small you could both use an im client that supports file 
transfers (you will have to research this to see if a linux client for an im 
service will transfer files between it and the windows client) i'm assuming 
of course that either you or your brother don't have permanent ip addresses, 
in which case you can't set up one or both of your boxes to be accessible to 
the other via web sever or ftp server (at least not easily). there are also 
web services such as www.freedrive.com which will do the trick - this is 
probably your best bet


On Sunday 26 November 2000  4:30 am, you wrote:
> My borther-in-law has a windows computer and he is always wanting help and
> for me to send files over the internet. I know netbios is a big thing with
> windows and I just wondered if this would be a good way for us to connect
> over the internet and if so what do I need on this linux box to connect to
> his windows box?

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