Sorry.  Forgot to mention that I installed Mandrake 7.1.  There is no other
OS on the machine.  The machine is a dual PIII Xeon 833 with 512MB ram and
18GB SCSI hard disk.

> ----------
> From:         Liaw, Andy
> Sent:         Monday, November 27, 2000 4:54 PM
> Subject:      network card configuration problem
> Hi all,
> Can anyone help with the following problem with ethernet card?  Much
> thanks in advance.
> Basically, the auto-detect does not recognize the card correctly.  Even
> after setting it to the correct card in DrakConf, at reboot it still
> revert to the wrong card.
> We recently purchased a Compaq SP750 workstation with an "Integrated Intel
> PRO/100+ Management Adapter" with an Intel chip set 82559.
> [DarkConf]----[Hardware Configuration] setup shows it as 82557 and try to
> map it to "IBM i82557 10/100 PCI Ethernet Adapter". Here are the things
> that I have tried & some information that hopefully will help:
> ------------------
> 1)  Startup Messages:
> Bringing up Interface lo                      [OK]
> Bringing up Interface eth0    insmod:
> /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/net/eepro100.o : invalid parameter parm_io
> Delaying eth0 initialization          [FAILED]
> Binding to NIS domain                         [FAILED]
> ----------------
> 2)  # ifconfig
>        < only shows lo >
> ---------------
> 3) script written to manually configure the drivers for the network card:
> insmod /lib/modules/2.2.15-4mdksmp/net/eepro100.o
> /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S10network reload
> /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S17ypbind start
> /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S80sendmail start
> /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S95innd start
> # /
> bringin up device eth0                        [OK]
> shutting down device eth0             [OK]
> bringin up device eth0                        [OK]
> shutting down device lo                       [OK]
> bringin up device lo                  [OK]
> binding to NIS domain                 [FAILED]
> Starting Sendmail:                            
> Starting INND system                  [OK]
> ---------------------
> 4) # ifconfig
>     eth0              Link encap: Ethernet            Hwaddr: xxxxxxxxxx
>               inet addr: 54.xx.xx.xx          Bcast: 54.xx.xx.254
> Mask:
>               .....
>                         UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500 Metric:1
>                          RX packet: 145  .........
>                          TX packet: 0  .............
>                           .....
>                          Interrupt: 18 Base address: 0xb000
>     lo                  .....
> --------------
> 5) # ifup eth0
> SIOADDRT: File Exist
> SIOADDRT: network unreachable
> ----------------
> 6) # route add default gw 54.xx.xx.254 dev eth0
>     network unreachable
> ---------------
> 7) # route
>     Destination               Gateway GenMask         Flag    Use iface
>          *    UH      eth0
>          *    UH      lo
>      54.xx.xx.0                 *              U
> eth0
> ---------------
> 8) # route add 54.xx.xx.xx gw 54.xx.xx.254 netmask dev eth0 
>    ERROR:  netmask:  000000ff doesn't make sense with host route
> ------------
> Andy I. Liaw, PhD
> Biometrics Research          Phone: (732) 594-0820
> Merck & Co., Inc.              Fax: (732) 594-1565

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