Hello, anybody there,
As a real, real newbie I did'nt want to "mess up" my winblows system since I spend quit al lot of hours to have it configured as it is now, readily fast and quite reliable. So I downloaded the 486-image to try out on my older system, which is :
proc : Intel 486DX2-66
mb : VL-bus
mem : 24 Mb ram
HD : IDE 1.7 Mb Quantum Fireball
vc : Trident 9400cxi
CD-rom : IDE Creativ CD4834E
standard SVGA, capable at least 800*640*32k
standard serial mouse
The grafic installation kept always stuck  at "no scsi drives found" with no other buttons then "OK".
With an install disk, as mentioned on the CD, i managed to install everything upto "xconfiguration" where the system hangs.
Restarting with the (by that time already made) boot disk, I could'nt log on as root, only as user.
After about 15 tries, with different hard disks, other video-cards, I finally gave up.
Then I could use a system from a friend for a time, and I retried. This system was a Intel PI-133, PCI-bus, S3-Trio64 and I placed my Quantum HD. First attempt to install was successful.
What's the problem with my 486 system??? Afterall, the iso-file I downloaded intended to be written for a 486 system or not?
I really like to reuse it. Can someone help me out?

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