Abraham E Mandac Jr wrote:
> I just did a fresh install of ML 7.1. Prior to this, I had
> three partitions in all:
> 1. the Windows partition
> 2. the linux partition
> 3. the swap partition
> During installation, I used DiskDrake to split the old
> linux partition into three new partitions.
> I mounted:
> 1. / on the first new partition (which DiskDrake named
> /dev/hda5) 2. /usr on the second partition (/dev/hda6)
> 3. and /home on the third partition (/dev/hda7)
> Installation went smoothly to the end. I then had to reboot
> into Windows to reinstall BootMagic but it won't detect the
> linux partition properly. It finds the Windows (/dev/hda1)
> and the swap partition (/dev/hda3) no sweat, but sees my
> three new linux partitions as one primary partition (the
> second primary partition) of 'Type 85' instead of a linux
> native format.
> I think this installation is doomed. This is the second
> time this happened. I couldn't even get to linux using a
> boot disk the first time.
> Do you think I should just play safe and reinstall linux to
> a single primary partition next time?
> Linux has tools with which to defragment and
> nondestructively split my linux partition later, right? (I
> have 10+ GB devoted to linux, which I'd like to organize
> properly.)
> Or does anybody know a solution that would take a lot less
> of time than reinstallation?
> Thanks.
> Abe

Abe....PowerQuest products don't seem to be able to see 
inside type 85 partitions.  So you need to fix the partition. 
There is a command in Linux's fdisk to change a partition's 
system id (the 't' command).  Try this first.  If it doesn't 
allow you to change that type 85 partition to a type 5 then 
you'll have to do it the hard way.

The hard way is to do a fdisk command called 'p' and then 
copy/paste the results to a text file that you'll be able to 
refer to later (print it out if you like).  Then delete 
partitions hda5, hda6 and hda7.  Then delete hda2.  Now 
create hda2 again but as a type 5 and use the numbers you 
printed out earlier to set it up.  Then create hda5, hda6 and 
hda7 according to their old numbers.  The data inside should 
be intact and Partition magic and Boot Magic can see inside a 
type 5 partition.

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