At the command prompt, # or $ please type
mount  /mnt/cdrom
If the system says nothing further , then the CD has been mounted.
It will go to the CD after u give the command cd /mnt/cdrom
Again type ls -l to see the contents of the cd and so on.
To remove the CD go to the root directory bytyping cd /
Then type umount /mnt/cdrom
the computer will say nothing
type eject and presto the cd tray will open and you can pack the cd in
it jewel case!
On Thu,
30 Nov 2000, Paul wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Phil Farnham wrote:
> >Thank you Paul
> >
> >I cannot read  a cd but can open the trray. When booting up from the cd it
> >is obviously recognised but when Linux is loaded and I try and click on any
> >cd icon I can find there is no response
> When you open a terminal and go
> cd /mnt
> do a ls there and see what cdrom directories are there. Can you do
> ls cdrom
> or
> ls cdrom2 (if there)
> and see what's on the cd?
> Perhaps the icon on your desktop is bad.
> Paul

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