Mr Monster wrote:
> Right, Ive been reading the mails about the pros and cons of
> Linux/Windows...
> Im running Mandrake 7.2 now, with not so much as a hiccup, everything is
> doing what it should, when it should - just the way i like it, and the way i
> suspect most other folks do too.....
> I have one little problem.. I have a Primax USB scanner, and on visiting
> their website - have discovered they dont support linux drivers for their
> hardware, which is a little dissapointing to say the least...
> So I went searching, and found another site...probably run by a couple of
> guys in their own time, and unpaid, who are writing source and trying their
> best to get drivers for Primax scanners under Linux - These guys deserve a
> big jug of beer!!!

and if they dont like beer a big glass of juice :)

> The Point????

and now a drum roll

 Linux will never win its way into peoples homes until
> manufacturers decide to start porting their code to linux,  so us people at
> home can use our digicams, scanners etc... just as easy as ever! (without
> even so much as a chmod.... etc)

i would ag4ee. for linux to really take off there must be some sort
of install shield for it. without it linux will never dominiate the
world. i cant believe hasnt thought of it before.


> I dunno if this means anything, or indeed if it makes sense....but dont all
> shout at me at once :-)
> And just in case you are all wondering ... yep I had to use M$ to scan my
> pics tonight :(

ok, there are a few areas where linux is still catching up. there are a
areas in which linux is ahead. scanners unfortunately for u are one of
behind places

> Graham Kerr
> Reg. User 153258

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