
Same problem here.  It seems to be a bug in the software.  Go to level 3, run
mouseconfig, and reboot.  Your mouse will be working properly, but it will
probably still be listed as as a generic.

Carl Kehley

Dale Peterson wrote:

> Here is the problem:  I have a mouseman plus ps/2 that I'm using and works
> fine on my windows setup and in my mandrake 7.2 setup except for just ONE
> thing:  For some reason, when I select mouseman plus hardware
> configuration, and then hit ok, it closes the window but doesn't change
> anything.  It still says that my mouse is just the generic three button
> mouse.  If I double-click on the mouseman plus selection, it closes the
> window and does the same thing.  Why won't it keep my selection and
> actually change the configuration to be that mouse!!?!?  Thanks in
> advance.
> __________________________________________________________________
> Luke Peterson
> IC Consultant                   UCSB Instructional Computing Lab
> Mechanical Engineering Major    UCSB College of Engineering
>              http://www.ic.ucsb.edu/~luke/
> email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]        phone: 805.968.2960
> We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.
>         -William Osler
> Thought takes man out of servitude, into freedom.
>         -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
> __________________________________________________________________

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