On Sun, 3 Dec 2000 12:40:47 -0800 (PST),
>Thanks for the info.  I've already went crazy deleting
>paritions left and right.  I thought I would be able
>to just reinstall nt, but it goes thru to doing the
>exhaustive examination of the hard drives and then
>tells me I need to reboot and start over.  I get to
>here everytime.  Then I've gone in with booting off a
>win 98 disk and fdisked everything including my linux
>paritions(swap was formatted swap).  I did try using
>the grub to boot to NT but there it would bring up the
>NT boot loader and when I would click on one of the
>choices it would say can't find NToskernel.exe (can't
>remember the extention).  So now I've deleted
>everything on my drives other than one of the original
>NT paritions.  And I still get punted trying to
>reinstall to a new parition.  I am starting to think
>it may be a ata66 issue due to the fact during the NT
>install it is calling both the drives disk 0.  I just
>got to work, so when I go home I will disconnect one
>of the drives and try again.
>--- Steven Kinch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>                                                 On Sun, 03 Dec
2000, you wrote:
>> > Not that I can't recover, but I would like to get
>> some insight to
>> > what I did wrong. Last night I decided to install
>> mandrake 7.2 on my system
>> > that has 2 hdds with 3 paritions on each. The last
>> parition on both hdd's
>> > was a software raid 0 from NT. The first 2
>> paritions on each hdd had a copy
>> > of NT 4 that I was duel booting between (acutally
>> one was a backup copy
>> > just in case). So I had 3G of free hdd space on
>> the second hdd, with the
>> > boot loader on the 1st hdd, ( so at worst I
>> thought nothing would affect
>> > the 1st hdd). So in this free space is where I
>> mounted the swap and system
>> > linux parition. And here is where I think I might
>> of screwed up. I formated
>> > the linux parition with ext2. From the install
>> guide it said I would
>> > eventually be given the choice to rewrite the mbr
>> or if there was another
>> > boot loader then you can choose to install some
>> boot files to the first
>> > sector of the boot parition. Then you can just add
>> an entry in the boot
>> > loader for linux. Well this step never came up, it
>> went ahead and just
>> > installed the lilo/grub. And from there linux is
>> fine but I haven't been
>> > able to get back into NT( and of course I spaced
>> making a recovery disk) My
>> > next step was just to reinstall NT back into the
>> first parition on the
>> > first hdd but basically NT wasn't able to work
>> with my drives anymore to
>> > reinstall NT. So here is where I need help, as far
>> as I can tell I need to
>> > go thru the linux install and wipe out everything
>> on my drives, exit, then
>> > reinstall NT then try reinstalling linux using
>> some other file system than
>> > ext2?
>>  I wouldn't have said so.   Ext2 is clearly the
>> right thing to put Linux on
>> although the swap file is not usually ext2.  I have
>> heard about issues
>> between NT4/2000 and Linux but I missed that lesson
>> having always used the
>> easier Windows (95,98 and ME).  What you can do to
>> get Windows back is sstart
>> in DOS susing your WinNT boot disk and at the prompt
>> type "fdisk /mbr"  This
>> should your old Master Boot Record back and you will
>> get into NT4 because it
>> takes over the system wherever possible.
>> Then try getting on to your Linux Disk with the
>> Linux Boot Disk and go to
>> Drakeconf.  Try using the Grub/lilo boot
>> configuration tool there and tell it
>> to install to HDA (first hard drive) for both
>> systems.  This ought to work.
>Do You Yahoo!?
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It's a pity you already seem to have deleted your NT-partitions. If
your NT boot partition was FAT you could have edited the boot.ini
file, which is the configuration file for NT's bootloader.
If it is in NTFS you can make an NT rescue boot disk. You would need
to format it using NT, then copy boot.ini, NTLDR and ntdetect.com, if
I'm not mistaken. Three files are all it takes.
Then you would experiment changing the numbers in the boot.ini file,
until your system boots to NT once again.


[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(8)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(6)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(7)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(9)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(10)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional" /fastdetect

As you can see you can have up to 10 entries in this list.

You can make this disk on another NT system. It will work everywhere

I hope this helps.

NT is not one of the more difficult' Windows. Just like with linux,
it's all stuff you need to know...



-- Jo, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/03/2000

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