On Friday 01 December 2000 19:11, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a PIII 800 Mboard SOYO 6VBA+133 videocard Trident9750 3D Image, 64MB
> Ram, the problem is when I try to start Xwindows,  It doesn't work on
> Trident9750 3D Image video card.
> I've been tryed to set the resolution and driver, but my video only show a
> dark screen.
> I've been installed the mandrake-linux 7 many times, but it does't work.
> How can I resolve this problem?
> Thanks
> Marcio
> MelfiNet S/C Ltda
> Jales - Santa Fé do Sul
> 0xx17 6327122 ou 6311003
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> http://www.prude.net  a rede sem virus
First bof all, use expert install and use the 3.3.6 driver, and se it NOT to 
boot to X on install.

Next, edit /etc/X11/XF86Config in the devices section add the line

   Options "noaccel"

Next remove the modelines you will not actually use from the assortment of 
available modelines

then close your edit, saving the file



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