Thank you Jeff,  I appreciate the kind words.

On Monday 04 December 2000 09:05, you wrote:
> > I happen to agree with David 100%.  I too am a computer enthusiast
> > and have a few computers at home but only one runs linux,  my
> > wife's and daughter's run Win98 and I have them running trouble
> > free and many times for weeks at a time without a problem.  I see
> > nothing evil about M$, free enterprise works and that's big proof. 
> > I happen to admire Bill Gates, hell if you can make that much money
> > he's got my admiration.  I do agree their software is not the best
> > in the world but when was McDonald's a good hamburger?  I love
> > linux and I don't hate windows.  It's a happy home, at least here
> > in my house with all the different children playing together.
> Finally a person with common sense.  I agree with you and you
> describe my own home situation, - except that my wife's W98 system
> (which she uses daily to write her Ph.D. dissertation, internet,
> etc), has not crashed in months.

Eddie Torress

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