I have found out that some printers work excellently on the parallel
port and do not work at all on the USB. Because it worked on the
parallel port under Mandrake 7.1 it will also work on the parallel port
under 7.2. All drivers of 7.1 are also available under 7.2. Note that
they are presented in another form now, because Mandrake 7.2 uses the
new printing system CUPS. There are also many new drivers, especially
GIMP-Print, which gives very high quality, especially on Epson Stylus

Try the following to get the USB working:

1. keep the printer turned on.

2. Edit /etc/sysconfig/usb adding a line: "PRINTER=yes". Restart the
affected daemons:

   service usb restart
   service cups restart

and see whether one can istall your printer now. If not, use the
parallel port and send me the output of the "lsmod" command.


Ashley Moore wrote:
> I've connected my Epson Stylus 740 using USB to my LM7.2 m/c
> How do I go about accessing it. (what device do I use?) I used the same
> printer sucessfully thru lpd (parallel port) on LM 7.1 After upgrading I
> want to give the USB support a shot. I'm totally blank on the subject. Any
> pointers on where to start would be appreciated.

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