I have a cron job that (should) run every morning at 01.00 to run slocate,
to update the locate database.

For now two days, I have found my machine impossible to use, when I begin
at 06.00; constant HD activity, and everything taking ages to happen.

So I ctrl-alt-f1ed to the console, did a ps -a and found I have about fifty
or sixty pids for crond and slocate ! 

no wonder it was busy.

Any idea where this may come from ?

All worked well up to three days ago, the time/date is corect, and I'm
running out of ideas.



Ron the Frog, on the banks of the Paraguay River.
                   Profund and/or witty statement goes here.
              ---  http://personales.conexion.com.py/~rolgiati  ---

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