Look around for an updated X Server for the Mach 64 chip you have ...
I know they exist ... ya just gotta find em.

You need to get the X server and the latest Xconfigurator.

Try www.freshmeat.net or www.xfree86.org.

Those are 2 sites that are pretty good for that kinda thing .. also try 
and www.atitech.com  which is the ATI site.

Good luck, I remember when my TNT was not really supported in the 
distribution and I remember what a pain it was finding the drivers.

At 05:26 AM 12/9/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I have an ATI card based on a Mach64 chipset. When I install mandrake,
>everything works fine until I get to the X Config section, where the
>installer tells me it can't find the Mach64 Server. AGH!!! I have to quit the
>install there, which leaves me with a perfect linux system, apart from the
>fact that X is totally mucked up and won't work. Can anyone help me? It would
>be GREATLY appreciated!!!
>"Admiral" Ian Bridgeman
>P.S. I am quite prepared to install linux again, it doesn't bother me!

This is forgiveness so I know ...
Once I repent I seal the lid ...
I slither for you and I am dying...
I find trust in hate ...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            http://www.slip.net/~cenobite/
Shayne L. Schecht                   "Ceno's Bytes"
Los Angeles, Ca
There is a secret song at the centre of the world and
it's sound is like razors through flesh

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