On Tuesday 12 December 2000 14:01, you wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have a question. I need to know how to perform a clean uninstall of
> Linux. Now, before you guys jump all over me, listen to my reason. This is
> not my choice. I have 7.1 installed at work and the Network admin. found
> out and he, being the wonderful person that he is, told me to remove it. He
> gave me till the end of the week. Nice, huh? Anyway, I need your help.
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris Kelly
> Registered Linux user 185775

boot your 7.1

run fdisk from a console as root

delete the linux partitions, leaving the windows partitions alone.



boot into windows

make a windows boot disk

boot into DOS prompt from the windows boot disk

a:\>fdisk /mbr

linux is gone and windows is intact.  You may now recoup unused disk space 
with DOS fdisk or PM or whatever.


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