
  As a belated intro (as I'd responded to some one earlier), I'm
Meph.  I'd been using RH 6.0 for round a year & a half on this &
my girl friend's pc's & had used RH 5.0 on a couple of other
boxes for short periods before that.  I've not yet installed mdk
7.2 on this box because when I'd started the dual-boot install
Sunday, W2k did some wacko things -- so I'll be installing mdk
7.2 ~this~ weekend.

  But I'm not posting about my box today.  Last night, my girl
friend's box had problems with the RH install, so I went ahead &
installed mdk 7.2 on hers first.  She'd been dual-booting RH 6.0
& W2k, & I was sure to only format the RH partitions last night,
but ran into problems during the config portion of the install.

  First, the install found the W2k partion without any
difficulty.  Then the ne2k nic wasn't found (the driver couldn't
install), so I'd opted to configure it after booting up.  Well,
from what I can tell during Aurora boot (it's rather faster than
RH's boot), neither the network nor mount of file systems is a

  Anyway, I'd first tried in drakconf to get the network going.
The ne2k module has no trouble probing, finding & (supposedly)
installing, but, after much fooling with various things &
installing various tools, I'd tried running ifup eth0 (as I'd
configured everything for the network in linuxconf for eth0) &
get the error that eth0 is delayed.  I'd seen this in RH but
don't remember what I'd done to fix it.

  Later, when trying to figure out what was up with the Windows
mount, I'd set up /etc/fstab to mount "/dev/hda1 /win (had tried
dos here) ntfs defaults (also had set auto here) 0 1" but when
attempting to mount /dev/hda1 always get mount: /win  does not

  I was thining that I could at least run...uh, I forget the name
of the app now, but it's that other emulator which I'd installed
last night like Wine so my girl friend might (if the ne2k driver
in W2k loads when running that OS) get on-line this morening.  No
such luck since I can't mount the Win partition.

  Any help?


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