Did you install a dhcp client and set you card to get info thru dhcp?
If you haven't installed dhcpcd from the mandrake cd. then type 

ifup eth0

This will bring up eth0 interface .

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On Thursday 14 December 2000 18:40, you wrote:
> For starters, try going through your BIOS and setting "Plug 'n Play OS" to
> "no". This worked for my SMC PCI card, which uses the Realtek RTL8029
> driver.
> On Fri, 15 Dec 2000 03:12, Travis Mcbride wrote:
> > I am getting an eth0 initilization has failed error
> > message at bootup.  Can anyone tell me how to fix
> > this.  The machine recognizes my ethernet card and I
> > know I have the right module setup.
> >
> >
> > Thanks Travis

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