This is lengthy but very educationall
The directory structure is configured as so;

I grabbed this from MaximumLinux magazine article by Woody Hughes


/bin -User and system administration binaries(another word for executable

/sbin -Systems Administration binaries run as root.

/etc -Configuration information.

/dev -Device files

/lib - Shared libraries and kernel modules.

/mnt -Temporary mounting points for hardware such as CD-ROMs, tape
backups, Zip drives, etc.

/opt -Optional add-on software directory

/tmp -Stores temporary files generated by software packages.


This next article is from MaximumLinux magazine as well, but this article
is by Bruce Byfield. His article tells you where all the configuration
files are located for standard services installed on your computer.


Automatic running of programs -/etc/crontab
A system-wide scheduling for the automatic running of programs.

Bootup -/etc/modules, /etc/conf.modules
Processes and services started with your machine.

Command Shell -/etc/bashrc, /home/[your home directory]/.bash*
/etc/bashrc sets environment variables for all users, the files in your
home directory are your personal settings. They include .bash_history,
.bash+_logout, .bash_profile, and .bashrc.

Desktops and Window Managers -/etc/X11/window-managers
If you're using a graphical log-in, you may also need to configure it.

E-Mail -/etc/postfix
Directory  with scripts and databases.

FileSystems -/etc/fstab, /etc/mstab, /etc/automisc
The partitions that are mounted when Linux starts. /etc/mstab lists all
partitions that are currently mounted.

FTP Access -/etc/ftp*
Sets who can use ftp to access teh system remotely and how.

Internet -/etc/ppp, /etc/inetd.conf
Choose the folder use depending on your Internet connection.

LILO -/etc/lilo.conf
Settings for making multiple operating systems or kernels available when
you start your computer.

Printing -/etc/printcap
Defines printers and their settings.

Web -/etc/httpd/conf
Apache Web server conf files

Samba -/etc/smbconf
Configuration for Windows inter-operability

System locks -/var/lock
Locks for processes and programs

Users, Groups, and Passwords -/etc/password, /etc/shadow, /etc/groups
User names, passwords, and preferred command shell are listed in passwd.

X-server -system -/etc/X11/XF86Config
Hardware configurations for the X Window System, including settings for
fonts, joysticks, keyboards, mice, video resolutions, refresh rates, and
color depths.

X-server -users -/home/[user account]/Xdefaults, Xresources, Xauthority,
.xsession, .sintrc, gnome.
Individual settings for each user



There appear to be nothing like an .exe file for linux software, where is
the program itself? For instance, if I go into the gimp directory, I see
all it's support files, but no executable. However, if I Alt-F2 and type
in "gimp", it runs just fine. Where is the program stored?

In linux there are only two types of files; binaries and files. Binary
files are the linux equivalents of windows executable files. binaries are
known by an "*" at the end of a file name such as "fgrep*" when you list
the /bin directory. Directories are noted by a slash after the file name.

ls /bin      -an example of what binary files look like.
ls /usr      -an axample of what directory files look like.

2) This is more specific.... I downloaded the latest Mozilla milestone,
and would like to try it under linux. However, I cannot figure out how to
install it. There appear to be no files that "run" when clicked on, even
though i downloaded the version "with installer". Help?

Let us install it onto your /home/[your user account]/ directory.
ie /home/Carson/

<1> Make a new directory.
mkdir mozilla

It should look like this
ie /home/Carson/mozilla

<2> You should install the mozilla*.tar.gz file into the mozilla directory.

<3> Uncompress it in the mozilla directory:
gunzip -dc mozilla*.tar.gz | tar -xvf-
That should create a new folder called mozilla-installer.
ie /home/Carson/mozilla/mozilla-installer

<4> Go to the mozilla-installer directory that was just created.
cd mozilla-installer
ie It should look like this when you do a "pwd".

<5> Execute the mozilla-installer binary by puttin a dot and a slash in
front of the binary.


<6> The rest is point and click from this point onwards.

3) System clock. Every time I reboot, my clock gets all screwed up. I reset
it, and it's fine until I reboot again, but then it's off by a few hours.

A. Yes, I bet is off by the number of time zones you are away from the
Greenwich Meridian line. Many have encountered this same glitch but I
found the cure for it.(Lucky You)LOL.

su -c timetool

I changed the time and choose apply. It would switch it back to the wrong
time. I next saw a box that said, "Set System Clock". I reapplied the changes
and clicked onto "Set System Clock". Eureka! It worked!

--This should do it bud.

-- Al

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