
I see now. And to your answer, yes, you can su and do that. No one will be
able to (in theory) listen in on your line and understand a word of what
you are doing between your server and you. I do "su" all the time when I
"ssh" into my machine. By the way, I have a question for you <sheepish
grin>. What OS do you "ssh" to your machine with and with what software? I
find myself "ssh" from Windows 98/NT and I use Telneat. Thanks

Now we can both continue to...

-- Al

Jon Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Altoine Barker wrote:

> Jon,
> First, "ssh" works by encrypting your communication not by setting rights
> to it. Second, from your statement, I don't know what you are trying to
> ask other then that you had the concept of "ssh" all wrong. More info bud.
> Enjoy
> -- Al

Ok, I will explain in depth. I am trying to connect to a sever
( via ssh, and with
port forwarding, but when I do this as user I get an error from ssh that
says privelaged ports
(80) can only be forwarded by root. My question is, how can I do this in
user mode or is it ok to
su and do this?

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