A friend of mine is trying to install Mandrake v7.2 on his 400mhz/128 meg Ram
Pentium. He's got an internal IDE Zip drive that is driving us crazy. This
drive is setup as 2nd IDE channel, slave. It works fine under Windows. When we
installed Mandrake, it found it, the light comes on the drive, and stays on and
never goes off. Also, unless there is a cart in the drive, the installation
will not continue. After installation, upon the first reboot, we get the
message "irq timeout", although it does continue through a normal bootup.
Except that we can't access the Zip drive. Its setup with supermount, and plug
'n pray, er play is turned off in BIOS.

Thru v7.0 and 7.1, the same Iomega Zip drive setup on my machine has been found
and installed flawlessly. Anyone have any ideas?

We tried taking the line for my Zip drive in my /etc/fstab and using it in his
fstab but that didn't work either.

Something else. I could not read some Zip carts that he had formatted under
Windows 2000 and DOS v6.2, although I can read the pre-formatted (DOS) Zip
carts that come from our local Wal-mart. My Zip drive is slave on 1st IDE
channel, so its /dev/hdb4. Whats weird is that on his v7.2 setup, his Zip drive
is assigned hdd1. (I understand why his is hdd, just not the 1). I can set my
Zip drive to 1 and it will read the carts he made, but then it will not read
the factory pre-formatted carts I have. Set it back to 4, and I can read mine
again. Both types of carts were read by Windog just fine. Any ideas on this

Thanks in advance, and sorry for such a long post! ;-)


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