I don't know how to fix the delete key "feature" (though I'd like to know 
how), but I do know how to (kind of) solve your copy-paste problem. The trick 
is that whenever you select any text in X, it is automatically copied to the 
copy-paste buffer. To paste, click the middle mouse button where you want it. 
A slight problem with this method is that the data is only copied to the 
buffer while it is selected. It disappears when you deselect the text.

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:56, Bob Currey wrote:
> I would like the delete key to work like in DOS where it moves you noplace,
> and deletes the character under the cursor, shifting the rest to the right
> one position.  The problem occurs when I use terminal programs, and its
> pretty frustrating when basis things like the keyboard don't work
> "normally", though not the end of the world.
> I would also be eternally grateful for the ability to copy and paste into
> the command line, given the lengths of the filenames, typical, this is very
> much needed.
> Affected programs:
> gnome terminal - clicking swap bs/del doesn't change anything, here, it
> moves me to the left 1 pos and deletes the character preceding the one the
> cursor was on. Can't use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to copy and paste.
> kconsole - delete key works normally, but can't use ctrl-c and ctrl-v to
> copy and paste...  arghhhh!
> xterm - doesn't work at all
> ----------------- update -----------------
> Well, I figured out a way, at least partially, so I thought I might post it
> so others can avoid suffering as well...
> install mc - midnight commander
> f9 for top menu, then select options, then go to learn keys, go thru all
> the keys and then save it.  that will fix the delete key.  mc allows
> alt-enter to paste the highlighted filename.  Not as good as copy and
> paste, but at least functional.
> c ya,
> BobC

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Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        Your mouse has moved. Windows must be rebooted to acknowledge this change.

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