i have a 20 GB hard disk with LM7.2 and windoze 98 installed. first 5gb
of hd is for c: drive of windows. then i have made two partions for linux
  256 MB swap
  3.5gb  linux native (mount /)
 the rest is dos extended with two logical partitons hda5-2.5Gb(d:) and
 My system is working fine , but i am planning a reinstall as i want to
make some more partions for linux. i want to leave a totel of 4 GB for
linux. i want windows also on my system. i was wondering if somebody can
suugest me good partiining table that is how much i should leave for
/home,/ , /var..i will install both cds  and it take around 2.2 GB i
is /boot necessary?. i won't mind reinstalling windoze to
take away some space from c: drive as due to 1024 cylinder limit i may
have to make c: to 4gb. 
where should i place /home,  in extended dos or primary..
thankx in anticipation

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