Today, after my cable failed for the 1000 time today (honest) I thought
I should prepare for the worst and configure ppp on my laptop (Toshiba
Tecra 8100) So in the process, I check and make sure my modem is
reconized, and it is, everything was working swimmingly until I actually
connected, at, or right after the handshake (im not sure) the pppd
quits, giving me no error message, and the program, be it kppp or
gnome-ppp freezes, now, kppp crashes on start, and when I try to dial as
a normal user, it tells me I don't have permission to access ppp. But as
root, It dials out, and freezes at handshake, and sometimes the entire
damn system. Now that I come to think about it, it could be an IRQ
conflict...ill look into that, but any suggestions could be greatly

Peter Marks (var1x)

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