Hey Stefaans,

> Is there anybody else that recieves the mail twice?
> I checked it is not one html and one text but all text.Beckey
> espesially you seem to be sending it all twice.

  You know, I think this was covered previously.  I forget, but I
think it was something to do with the majordomo, or something.

  An interesting note, if the moderator or anyone else is
interested, since I'd switched to pine (it had stopped reading
headers long ago in RH 6.0 & I had to get things configured after
installing lm7.2), there have been no dupes in my mail box.  I
don't remember anything about pine deleting dupes if no filter
was set to do that....


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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