A V Flinsch wrote:

> It is building the database used by locate. Locate allows you to quickly
> find a file, or files with a given stirng int he name. It is pretty
> useful.
> If you find it annoying, you can remove the entry from the crontab. If
> you find locate to be useful, perhaps you can reschedule it to run at a
> more convient time for you.
> --
> Alex
> (Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

Alex has it right, and there is another option, remove the entry, and anytime
you think enough has changed on your system to warrant it, issue a:

locate -u

command, and it will update itself then...at -your- convenience.

"locate" to me is *very* useful. Wouldn't want to be without it... ;-)


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