On Friday 29 December 2000 12:18 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

> Hmm. Well, Gphoto didn't freeze, it just told me that it couldn't
> find the camera (might as well be the same diff, as far as results
> go, eh? <smile>) Anyways, what about the problem I had with the "-"
> character in front of the filenames it uses to save the pics with
> (did you read that msg?).

    Yes, I didn't believe it was a problem then ... still don't

> With a "-" in front of a filename, from a
> shell/command line, I can't do chmod, chgrp, or chown without an
> error message. I have to manually rename each file, removing the "-".
> Odd that.

    I don't sweat little things like this either.  I have a different 
camera (Olympus) and my file names are similar, eg. -001.jpg,  so it 
has to be a gphoto thing.  I save the pics to an appropriate directory,
eg, /home/tom/cam/<this_round_of_pics>/-???.jpg.  Then later, while 
viewing them with  Gqview, while I'm lookin at the pic, I can rename it 
(r-click on the file).  MOF, I reckon this is what the '-' is for.  If 
you were to take a bunch of pics at the beach, all you have to do is 
add 'beach' in front of the '-' and you end up with 'beach-001.jpg' or 
even 'me asleep at the beach-001.jpg' if you want to be more 
descriptive ;>

> I did try something else with permissions as well. I went to /dev,
> and "ls al" all the ttysX files, and noted that root owns them, and
> they are in a group called tty. The permissions are crw-rw-rw-. So, I
> went to /etc/group, and added my username to the group tty in the
> group file, thinking it would allow my user access. I rebooted, and
> tried again but still no luck. Shouldn't that have worked?

   I dunno, maybe if you look into chmod'ing the whole dir all at once? 
Like i said, I like gphoto just fine runnin it from a term after su'ing 
to root.  Root owns my pics, but I can still do anything I want with 
'em, cause anytime i wanna be root, I am ;)     'ls -last'
 72 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root        71680 Dec 17 12:02 -001.jpg  
Haven't got around to renaming those yet, and there's a new bunch in 
the camera, so call me lazy ;>>
Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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