Okay, I finally got it. Here is what I had to do (in case someone else runs
into this same problem):

As su/root:

rpm -e RealPlayer (even though it was "expired")
(there is a deps issue with a Realplayer rnp? RPM as well)

Set the file below to be executeable.

./rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.bin (I d/l'ed this from Vics ftp site)

follow installation prompts

After its installed, do the same for your normal user account

Add /usr/local/RealPlayer8 to my $path in /home/darklord/.bash_profile

Delete the Realplayer G2 .kde link. Otherwise, everytime I did a "startx" I got
a couldn't find mime type error. (I started to use the menu editor but it said
it was not installed?)

Thats it! I can once again play *.RM files locally as well as access them from
web sites.

Thanks to Kevin, Mepth, Paul, and Vic! ;-)


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