"Michael (Nozy) Falzon" wrote:
> Hi
>        Sorry forgot to add that in, linux mandrake 6.1
> > Michael,
> >
> > What type of server? If it's a Linux server, linuxconf has a menu for
> > sendmail configuration that's pretty easy to use and will work for those
> > versions of sendmail. For other types of *nix and later versions of
> > sendmail, webmin is great for configuring sendmail.
> >
> > I can write out the steps to compile a sendmail.cf using m4 files if
> > you've got those. Or answer questions you have about the spam control
> > choices on webmin or linuxconf. I think the latest version of webmin may
> > only work with sendmail 8.10 and 8.11 though.
> if u can that wound be good :->  webmin ??? what that

Hi Michael,

I see someone else has already recommended the 8.11 update. It's a good
idea; support for spam blocking and many other things are much improved.
:) But I'm guessing that you're rather new to sendmail and possibly Linux
without previous background in Unix. Logical, since this is the list for
new folks, so don't feel bad.

What I'm going to recommend you try FIRST is to start up Linuxconf and see
if you can successfully get sendmail set up the way you want it from
there. Configuring sendmail is difficult and confusing compiling from m4's
if you're not used to this kind of thing. Ultimately, it's the best choice
for configurability and there are lots of great docs at
http://www.sendmail.org/ and elsewhere online.

If you're willing to do a little more than that, get sendmail 8.11 and
also probably Webmin. You will probably need to install them from the
tar.gz files instead of rpms because you're working with an older kernel,
but someone else can correct me here if I'm wrong about that. Before you
can use Webmin with 8.11, you will need to compile your configuration
file. In Mandrake 7.2, there's a separate package for sendmail-cf that
includes some premade m4s and a moderately useful .mc file. Let us know if
you go this route and I will try to help you with that part.

I can't give you the step by steps for the version you're running,
unfortunately, because I never had that distro and my only <8.10
experience was on HP-UX. But you might also try http://www.google.com and
do a search for install-sendmail. This was a script written for installing
8.9 I believe that should probably work for you with your setup as is. 

One final thought for you: you could try postfix instead of sendmail. I
don't have a lot of personal experience with it but I know people who like
it very much because it is easier to configure and maintain for them than
sendmail and is fairly secure without jumping through some of the more
elaborate configuration hoops that are possible with sendmail.

Okay, this is fairly long and I don't know if I've helped get you any
further along. Let us know where you go next or what questions you still
have. :)


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