On Wednesday 03 January 2001 07:38 am, you wrote:
> r wrote:
> > I'm running LM7.2 & KDE2 .  Problem: the menu fonts are way too big.  It
> > happened after I tried adjusting the panel's clock to am/pm.
> >
> > How do we get the greatly oversized fonts down to normal?
> >
> > Seve

Well I'll be darn...so that's what it was that did that? I had the same thing 
and now that you mention it it was just after adjusting the time thing. All I 
did was curse a few times when I got frustrated with it and kept working with 
the desktop/KDE fonts till I had them to the size and style I wanted and then 
restarted X. It took like 4 tried though until it settled down and worked 
correctly though.

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