Hello All,

I have been in lurk mode here since I installed Linux Mandrake 7.2 a couple 
of weeks ago. Installing the system went very well, sound card, video card, 
etc were all recognized and worked with only minor fiddling. Getting my modem 
to work was a challenge and a learning experience, I can't believe how happy 
it made me the first time I got that darn thing to dial up!

My Question:
I decided to recompile my kernel to trim some fat and see if it could be 
optimized for my processor. The kernel that resulted is about 1MB smaller 
than the original and it seems to be working just fine. However, while the 
kernel was compiling there were many warnings in the output on the console. 
They were in red text and looked serious:
variable foo_bar initialized but not used
ignoring modified section in some_file 

There were a few others, but I don't recall them and I don't know where to 
find the log that would contain them, if such a thing exists. 

I would be happy to post the exact warning messages if someone can tell me 
where to find the log.

My system's specs: <http://www.mhtc.net/~lanelson/sysinfo.html>

Thanks for any comments.

Have a good day.
David Nelson

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