On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 12:32:49 +1100, you wrote:

>I'm running Mandrake 7.2, trying to set it up as a SOHO server.
>However, I seem to be unable to find the COM2 port.
Wed, 10 Jan 2001  07:05:18

The com ports are called ttyS0 is com one...ttyS1 is com
two...ttyS2 is com three...etc like that..

The S is a capitol...s

        Run      setserial -g  /dev/ttyS*
that will list all the info..

pay a bit of attention to IRQ conflicts...I had a USB hub controller
on the same irq as the modem...even with USB disabled in Bios it still
conflicted with the modem giving the ill bred "modem is busy error"
until I was almost convinced I had a winmodem.....I moved the modem
card to another slot and IRQ and  now all is well...... don't even
try,    to put it together with the mouse.

Olly P

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