On Wednesday 10 January 2001 08:13, you wrote:

> > Update 1-10-01
> I had the good fortune to have a local mentor take a look
> at this errant system and he was unable to get it to behave.
> We are now both of the opinion that the Adaptec AHA-2920
> is not really an adequately supported scsi adapter.....or
> the one I got is flaky!  ...or maybe there's something
> amiss with the mobo...?
> So, there's a enw AHA-2930U on the way that should land on
> Friday and we'll give that a try.
> In the meantime, I've got another (not quite so) old acer
> windoze box with a single ide 2gb drive that swallowed
> 7.2 just fine and I'll play on that til the scsi card arrives
> and we can see what's what.....
> later (::)

I am running the 2930 card with absolutely no problems with LM 7.2.  I did 
not respond earlier as I have no experience with (or have even heard of) the 

Good luck but it should work just fine.

Mike Mattix

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