Mark Weaver wrote:
> Tim,
> I've got all these packages installed and I'm not able to connect to my
> machine using ssh. When I get to the login it asks me for the passwd and
> then refuses the connection. Are there other files that need to be
> configured or something that I'm missing?

Oh gosh I had that exact problem and I can't recall what I did to fix
it... It seems to me that it was a combination of two things: the config
and setting up my user name to allow ssh by generating an ssh key in my
home dir... To do this, run ssh-keygen as the user that you want to allow
to connect. Once you've done that, copy the file under your home directory
/home/user/.ssh/ to /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Now, that last step is supposed to be for logging in without a password by
using the key on both the machine you're logging in from and logging in
to. I never did get that idea to work but it wasn't what I was looking for
anyway. :) My guess is that it was something in one of the configuration
files and I changed a few things there.

I guess what I'm saying (kinda stream of consciousness here, I'm tired!
<grin>) is that it would be most helpful to see your config file to
compare it with mine then I could probably give you a pointer. It took me
a LOT of trial and error, even after looking at every reference I could
find out there!


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