

> > Hello again;
> > My home computer has a  Genius NetScroll+ mouse. Mandrake 7.2
> > install my mouse as a generic PS2 and the wheel just runs as
> > a third button. If I select the Genius NetScroll then the
> > pointer stop on the top of the screen and doesn't run.

> > Does anyone know how to install this mouse wheel?

> > Francisco Alcaraz
> > Murcia (Spain)

And from Aston:

> i haven't tried it yet, but i found this reply on

> For scrollwheel, add "ZAxisMapping 4 5" to the 'pointers'
> section of XF86Config. Some apps (i.e. Netscape) require
> imwheel to be running for scrollwheel support.
> Here is my XF86Config:

>                        Section "Pointer"
>                        Protocol "MouseManPlusPS/2"
>                        Device "/dev/psaux"
>                        SampleRate 100
>                        Resolution 200
>                        ZAxisMapping 4 5
>                        Buttons 4
>                        EndSection
> <!-- end quote -->

> aston
> sydney, australia

  You know, back when I'd started in RH 5.0 (& even now in
lm7.2 to a degree), editing XFree86 files was very intimidating.
If you feel this way as well, you might find it easier to use the
gui in drakconf.  Try either the M$ wheel mouse or the Logitech
mouse setting.  Back in RH 5.0 & 6.0, I'd only had the M$ option,
& it worked in the few apps where the wheel was supported.

  One of the two will likely work fine for you.


  "I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody."
  -Dave '-ddt->' Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux

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