Hi i´am a mandrake newbie, and i have the following problem:
when i use the x-window, the screen splits in two pieces (one half to the
left and one halfo to the right), the left side has no problem, everything
is ok, but when i get something (like the mouse cursor, or a window), the
rifgt side acts as a mirror, i mean that everything that is near the half of
the screen is repeted 4 or 5 five times(i don´t remember exactly) on the
right side of the screen. I tried usind the KDE, GNOME and window maker, but
it seems that the problem won´t go away. I also have to tell you, that the
monitor is a Dell 828FI (it appears on the list) and the video card is a
Trident 975 AGP (that appears on the list too). I tried changing the screen
resolution, but i don´t know what more can i do.
I hope you can help me, Thanks for reading this e-mail.

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