Hi all,

While it is indeed annoying that MS has decided to try and wring the last 
possible penny out of the dinosaur known as Windows 95/98/98SE/ME, I must 
disagree with your sentiments regarding Win4Lin support of Win ME. The 
quality and stability (or lack thereof) of Win ME vs. Win 98 is completely 
irrelevant to whether Win4Lin should support the product. What counts is, 
does Netraverse want to increase their user base, and avoid alienating 
potential new Linux users/customers? Also, is Linux really about choice, or 
not? If it is, then newbies running Win ME shouldn't be excluded from 
joining our ranks!

Go out and buy yourself a shiny new PC. Guess which OS is preinstalled? Win 
ME, of course. Now, pretend that you don't have easy access to Win 
95/98/98SE or you just don't see any reason to shell out US$89 to 
*downgrade* your Windows license. You want to run Linux, and you would like 
to try Win4Lin. Oops! Win4Lin doesn't support Win ME! Now what? You either 
pay up the $89, or, more likely, give up. Now that's one less potential 
Linux user, and one less potential Netraverse customer -- plus, you are 
going to tell all your friends that you wanted to give it a try, but you 
couldn't live without application X for Windows, and Linux doesn't support 
that app, and you couldn't get Win4Lin support for Win ME either. Now we've 
lost another ten (give or take) potential Linux users, and Netraverse has 
lost that many potential customers, because of your bad experience.

Not a very good marketing plan for Netraverse.


At 10:38 AM 1/12/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I agree.  I have Win98SE running under Win4Lin 2.0 and sound works. Improved
>but not native TCP/IP networking. Can retrieve e-mail using Outlook 97
>without problem. WinME users should stick with windoze if they have to have
>it under linux (just my opinion).
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > You must be a windoze convert. Why bash a linux product. No Win4Lin
> > > does not
> > > support WinMe ...yet, but why would you want to. Native win98Se is far
> > > more
> > > stable than WinMe IMHO. I use both, but find 98SE a better product if
> > > you're
> > > not using Win2000.  People could say Mandrake users are "gungho" who
> > > use Red
> > > Hat and vice versa. There is no need to bash a product just because
> > > you don't
> > > use it or haven't used it. I have tried all of the windoze emulators.
> >
> > i hope they DON'T give support to WinME.  it's really is not worth the
> > effort.  WinME is slower than Win98 (check Tom's hardware website for an
> > excellent review on WinME.)  its improved stability is at best minor.
> > most of the 'multimedia enhancements' from WinME can be downloaded for
> > free anyway, and if rumour is any guide, 'Whistler' is coming NEXT year
> > anyway (if M$ doesn't miss their schedule :-)
> >

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