Hello again,

        I read the cups log for erros and found the following:

After sending the printing job via Netscape (or any X Windows application
in KDE) with lpr command into a samba server, the /var/log/cups/error_log
had this

Job 18 queued on 'lp' by 'fabian'.
Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 8540) for job 18.
Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 8541) for job 18.
ERRDOS - ERRfilexists (The file named in a Create Directory, Make  New
File  or  Link  request already exists.) opening remote file (stdin)
PID 8541 stopped with status 1!
Saving printers.conf...

The printer then disabled:

[fabian@ahuizotl fabian]$ lpq
lp is not ready
Rank   Owner      Job             Files                       Total Size
1st    fabian     11              (stdin)                     1509376

Then I candelled the job with lprm. The following was appended to the
error log:

Job 18 was cancelled by 'fabian'.
Setting lp printer-is-accepting-jobs to 1 (was 1.)
Setting lp printer-state to 3 (was 5.)
Saving printers.conf...

Finally I had to set the printer ready via
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lpadmin -plp -E

and the log appended
Printer 'lp' modified by 'root'.

        If I instruct Netscape to use "lp -t name" instead of "lpr" I get
the appropiate printing!

        I did a Google search and found the messagge that I append and
don't exactly understand. It seems that some parenthesis must be deleted
in order to printing within Mozila to work. Can anyone tell me in which
file such pathenthesis must be deleted?
        Another solution could be to set the KDE printing system to use 
"lp -t name" instead of simply "lpr". How could this be done?



It's most likely the parenthesis that cause the spooler to flip alright. 
I met this problem outside cups when running with the redhat setup lp
and printing from staroffice 5.2. Luckily there I was able to edit the
filter script and get rid of the ().
I will probably stumble upon it soon since I've got cups now via mandrake

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andy Lo A Foe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: woensdag 22 november 2000 12:58
> Subject: [CUPS] Weirdness when printing from stdin
> Hello,
> I have the following setup:
> - Linux server with SMB/CUPS
> - Linux/Windows box using SMB print facility
> Everything works fine when queueing jobs using "lp 
> filename.ps". However
> when printing from stdin, e.g. from within Mozilla, cups 
> stops with the
> following error logged:
> ....
> I [22/Nov/2000:10:32:10 +0100] Job 39 queued on 'printers' by 'andy'.
> I [22/Nov/2000:10:32:10 +0100] Started filter 
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops
> (PID 488) for job 39.
> I [22/Nov/2000:10:32:10 +0100] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 489) for job 39.
> I [22/Nov/2000:10:32:10 +0100] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter (PID 490) for job 39.
> I [22/Nov/2000:10:32:10 +0100] Started backend 
> /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb
> (PID 491) for job 39.
> E [22/Nov/2000:10:32:11 +0100] PID 491 stopped with status 1!
> E [22/Nov/2000:10:32:11 +0100] ERRDOS - ERRfilexists (The 
> file named in a
> Create Directory, Make  New  File
>   or  Link  request already exists.) opening remote file (stdin)
> .................
> Apparantly SAMBA or the local CUPS, dunno exactly, is choking on the
> "(stdin)" job name! Naming the job with -t fixes this. My question, is
> this a known problem? And can I get rid of the parentheses without
> specifiying  -t explicitly?
> Thanks,
> Andy
> --
> AlsaPlayer, http://www.alsaplayer.org/


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 09:32:44 -0600 (CST)
From: "[X-UNKNOWN] Peņa Arellano Fabian Erasmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Printing from X Windows disables CUPS printing.


        I have LM 7.2 in my computer using CUPS to print. There is an HP
DeskJet 840C attached to the parallel port and a HP LaserJet 5M attached
to a samba server in the local network.
        I configured the printer in the samba server with the utility
included with DrakConf. Everything went fine, even the printing test
succeded. From a shell any user could print with lpr. But as soon as I
tried to print from an X Window application (I tried Netscape and
KWord) or tried to configure the printer for Star Office, the printer was
disabled and nothing was printed. The session is as follows.

Being prueba.txt a simple text file...

[fabian@ahuizotl fabian]$ lpr prueba.txt
[fabian@ahuizotl fabian]$ lpq
lp is ready
no entries

So far the printing was succesful. But after sending a Netscape
(or KWord or Star Office, etc. ) document as a non privileged user, I get
what follows and nothing prints:

[fabian@ahuizotl fabian]$ lpq
lp is not ready
Rank   Owner      Job             Files                       Total Size
1st    fabian     11              (stdin)                     1509376
[fabian@ahuizotl fabian]$ su                                                      
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lpq
lp is not ready
Rank   Owner      Job             Files                       Total Size
1st    fabian     11              (stdin)                     1509376
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lpadmin -plp -E
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lpq
lp is not ready
Rank   Owner      Job             Files                       Total Size
1st    fabian     11              (stdin)                     1509376
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lprm 11
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lpq
lp is not ready
no entries
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lpadmin -plp -E
[root@ahuizotl /root]# lpq
lp is ready
no entries
[root@ahuizotl /root]#                                                         

        Did anyone of you have this problem and came with a solution?
Thanks for reading this request for help. Have a nice day.


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