i have a (old i know!) 2x2x6 ricoh cdrewriter which is also scsi and it is 
only seen by lm7.2 as just that - a scsi device- i see no reason for your 
system to see the scsi drive as an ide one, and not as the same device as 
your ide cdreader! perhaps you could check /etc/fstab and see what cd drives 
are listed there adn maybe remove any reference to '/dev/hdc' (backup first 
of course) this might then get the scsi drive working as i think it should 
only been seen as /dev/sd0, then you could try (if you have the room to 
rearrange) putting the ide drive on a different ide channel, slave on 
secondary channel might get it seen as /dev/hdd, i'm not sure if linux  
assigns device names to 'unused' devices -i'm just thi8nking off the top off 
my head here!

even if this works i have no idea why the problem in the first place
................STOP THE PRESS!..............
i reread your post, you didn't actually say the plextor was scsi, in which 
case if it isn't then i do know that linux uses a trick to fool itself inot 
seeing an ide writer as a scsi drive to get the writable functions to work 
this is a module called (i think( ide-scsi) maybe there is a problem with 
that, i pulled the following from the cdwriting HOW-TO (www.linuxdoc.org)
note the bit about appending to the boot command in lilo...

begin quote.............

 Next thing to ensure is, that the Linux kernel is equiped with the
  necessary drivers. The following commands check various files for the
  presence of drivers in the running Linux kernel. Usally the command
  "cdrecord -scanbus" should trigger an automatic loading of all
  drivers. In case a driver is not present in the kernel afterwards, it
  is reported and the modularized driver (module) is manually loaded
  through insmod.

       test `whoami` = 'root' || echo "You must be root to execute the 
       cdrecord -scanbus > /dev/null
       if ! (pidof kerneld || test -f "/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe"); then
           echo "Neither kerneld nor kmod are running to automatically load 
       report_no_autoload() {
           echo "Ensure the module $1 is loaded automatically next time."
       if test ! -f "/proc/scsi/scsi"; then
           report_no_autoload scsi_mod  &&  insmod scsi_mod
       if ! grep "^........ sg_" /proc/ksyms > /dev/null; then
           report_no_autoload sg  &&  insmod sg
       if ! grep "^........ sr_" /proc/ksyms > /dev/null; then
           report_no_autoload sr_mod  &&  insmod sr_mod
       if ! grep "^........ loop_" /proc/ksyms > /dev/null; then
           report_no_autoload loop  &&  insmod loop
       if ! grep iso9660 /proc/filesystems > /dev/null; then
           report_no_autoload iso9660  &&  insmod iso9660
       echo "The following is only needed for IDE/ATAPI CD-writers."
       if ! grep ide-scsi /proc/ide/drivers > /dev/null; then
           report_no_autoload ide-scsi  &&  insmod ide-scsi
       cdrecord -scanbus

  Please read the next chapter if insmod complains about missing module
  files.  If you are in text mode (console), the loading of modules may
  cause some messages to be printed on your screen. If you are in
  graphics mode (X11, KDE, Gnome), you can recall these messages with
  the command dmesg.

  There are several ways to load the modules next time you start up your
  Linux system:

       (1) Put the relevant insmod command into the startup sequence
           (a shell script named rc.local or equivalent).
       (2a) Run kerneld or kmod and
       (2b) configure them in /etc/modules.conf (to be more precise,
            you configure the utility modprobe, which is called by the 

  People with a SCSI-writer can skip the rest of this section, because
  cdrecord will most likely already detect their hardware. If not, then
  please send me an email with some information about your setup, so I
  can improve the section about SCSI-writers.

  Now to the people with CD-writers for IDE/ATAPI.  As written in the
  previous chapter, you have to load the compatibility driver ide-scsi.
  But this driver can only access your CD-Writer if no other driver has
  already done so. In other words, you have to tell the regular IDE
  driver to leave your CD-writer unrecognized, so the ide-scsi driver
  can grab it.

       hda = IDE bus/connector 0 master device
       hdb = IDE bus/connector 0 slave  device
       hdc = IDE bus/connector 1 master device
       hdd = IDE bus/connector 1 slave  device

  The table above shows the relation of device file names and the
  placing of devices on the IDE busses. The device file name
  representing your CD-Writer has to be passed to the driver in the
  Linux kernel. Example: hdb=ide-scsi.  Such a setting should be added
  to lilo.conf or chos.conf if the driver is statically compiled into
  your kernel, which seems to be the most common setup. If you need to
  pass more than one parameter to the kernel, then seperate them with
  spaces (like shown in the chos example). The next two listings show
  example configurations containing more lines than just the relevant
  append-line. Please note the append- and cmdline-entries are image-
  specific (ie. don't add them immediatly at the top).


       linux "Linux 2.1.14" {
               cmdline= root=/dev/hda5 readonly hdb=ide-scsi

  If the driver for IDE/ATAPI CD-ROMs is loaded as a module, then the
  above won't make any difference to you, but make sure you include the
  options-line from the next listing. The last three lines of that
  listing are generally suggested to further automate the loading of the
  required modules.

       options ide-cd ignore=hdb            # tell the ide-cd module to 
ignore hdb
       alias scd0 sr_mod                    # load sr_mod upon access of scd0
       #pre-install ide-scsi modprobe imm    # uncomment for some ZIP drives 
       pre-install sg     modprobe ide-scsi # load ide-scsi before sg
       pre-install sr_mod modprobe ide-scsi # load ide-scsi before sr_mod
       pre-install ide-scsi modprobe ide-cd # load ide-cd   before ide-scsi

.....................end quote

any good to you?


On Sunday 14 January 2001  8:16 pm, you wrote:
> pls bare with me with my question..
> i have 2 cdroms in my box one is a toshiba regular cdrom
> the other is a plextor 12/10/32 recordable.
> after boot and checking the hardware config, i get the following
> configuration
> the toshiba reads correctly on /dev/hdc
> the plextors reads as follows
> device /dev/hdc
> bus type atapi/ide
> the third reading is
> device /dev/scd0
> bus type scsi
> and when i check /mnt i show cdrom and cdrom2
> why is cdrom1 skipped??
> and when i attempt to use either of these cdroms
> i always get "input output error
> and when I attempt rpm pkg and or live update it will not read from
> either cdrom.
> any assistance is greatly appreciated
> even as a senior programmer I am stumped on this on
> help help help
>                      regards
>                      mike keener

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