make it /dev/hda1 or /dev/hda?

Op maandag 15 januari 2001 18:57, schreef u:
> > > Klilo keeps telling me my Hd is too big for it to reconfigure the boot
> > > sequence, and although I've edited lilo.conf I still can't get
> >
> > my machine to
> >
> > > boot into the win partition by default, lilo seems to be
> >
> > ignoring the edit
> >
> > > I've done. Have I missed something?
> >
> >   Here's the first bit of lilo.conf:
> >
> > boot = /dev/hda
> > map = /boot/map
> > timeout = 50
> > prompt
> >   message = /boot/message
> >   default = linux
> >
> >   That last line should read whatever you've name your Windows
> > partition in /etc/fstab.  If you've done that, & it's still not
> > working, try editing the file again, but this time, as root, run:
> >
> > # /sbin/lilo
> >
> >   That, instead of using klilo, should do it.
> .. and so I thought too. Unfortunatly I'm getting the same error message
> that I got from lilo about
> the HDD being too big. Any other ideas?

Luk Vermeylen
Putse Baan 84
2040 Antwerpen 4
linux counter: #186539

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