Carl Lafferty wrote:
> I soon will have back in my possession an Alpha server 800/400
> with 64meg and 6gig of space.  This USED to be an NT (phewy) server
> that I would like to get back into use as a more useful linux
> server where I work.
> what I would like to know is if anyone has any experience in
> installing on this system.  I tried to install northern linux
> from hard-data on this beast and it was a dismal failure from the
> get-go.
> What kind of problems am I going to run into and more importantly
> will someone here have some answers??
> I understand from trying this before that this  particular alpha
> is kind of an oddball of alphas..
> comments??
> --
> "It's nice to be important but it is more important to be nice."
>          -Ziggy
as much as i hate to admit it linux is getting to stand on its own
but for your alpha server i would really recommend either
freeBSD or netBSD "unix type OS" either one is really stable
and can't go wrong..
good luck

                 mike keener

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