A&L wrote:
> Hi!
> Running LM 7.2. The system reboots ok but when I issue the 'halt'
> command it hangs up and errors/segmentation faults appear.
> What is causing this?
> Thanks!

Hi. Sometimes this is the motherboard/chipset combination. I had something like
this happen (as have others). What you have to do, as su/root is:

use vi, kedit, (fill in word processor here)

Go in to /etc/rc.d/init.d/

and edit the file "halt"

at the very bottom line, remove the "-p", so that the line ends up looking like

eval $command -i -d

That should do it. You'll wind up with text at halt or shutdown that says
something like "the system is halted". Then it will be safe to power down your

Hope this helps! ;-)


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