Greetings & salutations newbie,

  Hi... trying to run php/apache/sendmail together in the form of
  using a phpfunction called mail() which uses sendmail to send mail
  to a specified address. Apache is working, PHP is working, Sendmail
  is working (separately), since apache is running as user/grp nobody
  i tried executing the script as nobody as it would from the website
  and got the following response:
  Can't create transcript file ./xff0H9mP200670: Permission denied

  anyone got any solutions to my problem... if I run the script as
  root it works, but not when I run it as nobody...

May the lilys of peace rest in your armpits,

Quote of the day:
"MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten years of careful 
development." (By [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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