On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 20:21:51 -0800, Arman Zakaryan said:

>   ok i gave up on mandrake after reinstalling it 5 times. i am getting Phat
>    linux right now and i will burn it to a cd and try to install that. hopefull
>    ill be reading and sending my next messages in the linux OS rather than
>    coming back to reliable old windows dissapointed.

 5 reinstalls? and you give up?? Come on now, Arman Where is your
 spirit of adventure?

 I obtained LM-6.5 a year ago - I installed that more than 20 times
 because of messups I made before upgrading to LM7.0. While using
 7.0 I maintained a counting system on the front of my monitor for
 and restarts.
   Reinstalls 57!
   Restarts due to F$%*ups 856 !!!! 
 And you are going to can it after 5.

 If the name of the alternate distro is anything to go by I guess you
 just might be installing 5 times there before giving up.

 There is a tremendous record of help and assistance on this list, have
 you really tried it? A search of my archive here only finds one 
 mail tyo this list - The one to which i am replying.



                         Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected"
       (The UNIX Programmers' Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972)

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