I did not see any such way to switch from
24 hr to 12, tho I did it anyway, but how I do
not know, I just went in and totally deleted the
led-fixed font file totally.

On Friday 19 January 2001 16:39, you wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> > Hello list.
> >
> > we;ll the subject line says it all, how do I get RID
> > of these BIG UGLY STUPID DOTTY FONTS that just
> > barged in and took up residence on my Mandrake 7.2 ?
> >
> > I really hate 'ledfixed" how do I remove this awful font
> > from my system permanently?
> >
> > Please help soon, I can't make good use of my
> > mandrake with the apps going way off the screen
> > and making themselves generally un-manageable.
> They didn't just take up residence, you probably changed your time from 24
> hour to 12 hour right?
> I am not using 7.2 now but when I did, all I needed to do was change
> charset back to "unknown" and it would go back to normal. Thats the charset
> in the adjust time thing on the task bar

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